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reticular cell การใช้

  • It is lined by reticular cells, fibroblasts and fixed macrophages.
  • Medullary sinuses contain histiocytes ( immobile macrophages ) and reticular cells.
  • The yellow fever mosquito can also contribute to the spread of reticular cell sarcoma among Syrian hamsters.
  • This lowers the number of available T-cells, perhaps by sensitizing them for the uptake by the epithelial reticular cells.
  • Among those, only fibroblastic reticular cells and lymph node stromal cells were shown to play a role in the peripheral tolerance.
  • In an inflammatory state, lymphatic endothelial cells increase their surface adhesion molecules, and dendritic cells express a surface fibroblastic reticular cells.
  • Due to this interaction, dendritic cells move to the T cell zone or to the B cell follicle along the fibroblast reticular cell network.
  • Epithelial reticular cells are the primary cell involved with making sure that no T cells are allowed to survive that will attack the body's own cells.
  • A range of leukocytes can be involved, including lymphocytic cell lines such as large lymphocyte, lymphoblast, primitive reticular cells, and occasional plasma cells, as well as macrophage and plasma cells.
  • As the T cells migrate from the cortex of the thymus to the medulla, they come into contact with many epithelial reticular cells, and if they recognise self proteins as a pathogen, then the epithelial cells destroy them.
  • The arterioles end by opening freely into the splenic pulp; their walls become much attenuated, they lose their tubular character, and the endothelial cells become altered, presenting a branched appearance, and acquiring processes which are directly connected with the processes of the reticular cells of the pulp.